Market Rate Maintenance

Market Rates are used to set standard market rates by material/commodity and update those rates by effective dates. Market Rates are then used as a baseline to create a Variable Rate Formula by material by Disposal Facility and/or Customer Material Rates. Also see Market Rate Maintenance Tutorial and Related Tasks.


Market Rate Maintenance

  • Existing Market Rate Configurations will populate on the left column.
  • Selecting a Market Rate from the Configuration grid will display the current Materials, Unit of Measure, Effective Date and Rate.
  • Click Show Historic/Future Rates to display all rates in addition to the current rates.


Update Rates

To enter a new rate for the selected existing Market Rate for a specified Effective Date.

  1. Click Update Rates
  2. Select the Effective Date.
  3. Enter the updated rate in the New Rate column.
  4. Save.


Add New Market Rate

Create a new Market Rate with a unique name and applicable material/commodity rates by effective date.

  1. Click Add New.
  2. Enter a Name for this Market Rate.
  3. Select a material/commodity from the Material drop down.
  4. Select a unit of measure.
  5. Select the Effective Date.
  6. Enter a Rate.
  7. Repeat for each material/commodity for this Market Rate.
  8. Save.


Disposal Facility Variable Rate

Navigate To: Disposal>Manage Disposal Facility (existing facility) or Create Disposal Facility (new facility)


  1. Add or edit a material/commodity in the Disposal Rates grid.
  2. Select Variable from the Rate Type drop down.
  3. Formula Builder will open.
  4. Select an available Market Rate.

  1. Select an Operator (plus, minus, multiply, etc...).
  1. Select a Constant and click Insert Constant.
  • The Operator and Constant will be performed on the rate for this material in Market Rate Maintenance.
  • Example: Current Market Rate for Paper=-$41.25. Operator=Multiply. Constant=2. Variable Charged Rate will be -$41.25 x 2 = -$82.50
  1. The formula will display as built in the Formula section.
  2. Click Verify.
  • If an error is found, an error message and reason will display. Fix and retry.
  • When the formula is accepted, the Save button will be present.
  1. Click Save.


Customer Material Rate

Variable Rates for Market Rate materials/commodities can be applied at the Customer Site or Service level and will supersede the rate defined on the Disposal Facility.


  1. Select the Materials tab from the Site or Service.
  2. Click Create Material Rate.
  3. Select a Material on a Market Rate.
  4. Select Billing Unit.
  5. Select Effective Date.
  6. Select Variable Rate Type from the drop down.
  7. Formula Builder will open.
  8. Follow the same steps as listed in Disposal Facility Variable Rates.


Disposal Facilities

Update Variable Priced Tickets

Disposal Ticket Entry